Instrucciones de instalación

1 Archivo de ejemplo gratis
2 Descargar cámaras de velocidad
3 Instalar cámaras de velocidad



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1 Archivo de ejemplo gratis

    The free sample file for Europe allows you to test if POIs can be installed on your navigation device.
    Install sample file according to this installation guide.
    The sample file has data from 2014. It does not cover all speed cameras. Do not use it for a safe trip!

    Download sample file

    Try before purchase. Refund excluded after download started of full database.


2 Descargar cámaras de velocidad

  1. Go to our productpage for iGO OEM products.
    We offer only data of fixed speed cameras.
    Press button Download.

  2. Make your decision on the download page.
    Use preselection on the left or country list on the right.
    Press CTRL key for multiple choice.

  3. There is only one option in step 2.
    Get the database as one file.

  4. Press button Download Now.
    Save file on your hard disc.

    Note: In most cases, the file is saved directly to the download folder of the computer.
    Depending on your browser settings, sometimes you can choose the save location by yourself.

  5. Descomprimimos el archivo ZIP.
    You'll get file SpeedcamText.txt.

    Unpacking on a Windows computer: right-klick on the zip file > Extract all...
    Unpacking on a Mac Computer: double-klick on the zip file.


3 Instalar cámaras de velocidad

  1. Introducimos la tarjeta SD en el ordenador.
    Conecte su dispositivo basado en iGO a la ordenador con un cable USB.

  2. Abierta el Explorador de Windows (o Mac: Finder).
    Seguimos la ruta iGO8 > CONTENT > speedcam.

  3. Eliminamos todo su contenido dentro de la carpeta speedcam.
    La carpeta speedcam debe estar vacía.

  4. Pegamos el archivo SpeedcamText.txt descargado.

  5. Retiramos la tarjeta de nuestro ordenador y la ponemos en nuestro navegador.
    Desconecte el dispositivo del ordenador.

  6. Iniciamos el programa iGO.
    The boot process may now take a little longer, as the speed camera data is imported into the software.

  7. Connect SD card or device to the computer again.
    Open folder speedcam. Now there should be 3 files inside:

    Is there any file with file size of 0 KB?

    If no: Everything is OK!

    If yes: That's not good. Find a solution below the screenshot.

    Make a copy of file speedcam.spdb.
    Delete file SpeedcamUpdates.spud.
    Rename copied file into SpeedcamUpdates.spud.

  8. Go outside with the device.
    iGO software requires real GPS fix to display speed camera menu in settings.

  9. Ahora solo debemos preocuparnos de que la opción de avisador de radar de nuestro GPS esté activada.
    Seguimos la ruta Settings > Alerts o Settings > Warnings > Speed Camera Warning.
    Note: The wording of that menu can be different. It depends on installed version of iGO software.

    See the menu of Clarion NX405E:

    Important note:
    The iGO software manages all acoustic and visual alerts. We have no influence on acoustic or visual alerts. Our database is just a POI file.
    In most devices you have to choose a TTS speech for acoustic alerts. TTS speeches tells you street names and other notifications.

  10. Search for speed cameras in the map of your device. Take a real test drive.
    (It does not work if you just simulate a route.)