Instrucciones de instalación
Unfortunately the description of the plug-in and the installation guidance are at the moment only in
French and
Italian available. We look for assistance to translate the texts into other languages (Spanish, Dutch). The assistance will be recompensed with a 3 year free account!
Please write us an e-mail to for more information!
I. Installation guide for ViaMichelin New Edition
Please log in to and go to Downloadcenter. Before starting the download you have to select your desired countries and choose one of the possible options for images (we recommend: split into all categories). After that click Download button and save the file to your hard disk.
Please unzip the overlay with a suitable program - we recommend WINZIP - to a target folder of your choice in your computer.
Now the target folder contains all unzipped files in *.bmp format and *.asc format (every file stands for a speed camera category).
Start the Content Manager.
Click on the "My ViaMichelin" category.
Click on "Create folder".
Click the "My POIs" category and name your folder "speedcam". Click on [...] to select the *.asc file to integrate and select an icon.
Click on "OK".
Repeat the last steps for each speedcam file.
Start synchronisation to transfer the speedcams to your ViaMichelin device.
After importing the files on your ViaMichelin device, you can configure the display and the POI alert as desired.
II. Installation guide of previous ViaMichelin products
Please log in to and go to the Downloadcenter. Before starting the download you have to select your desired countries and choose one of the possible options for images (we recommend: split into all categories). After that push Download button and save the file to your hard disk.
In our example we save the file in the folder "C:/temp".
- Please unzip the overlay with a suitable program - we recommend WINZIP - to a target folder of your choice in your computer. In our example, we selected the folder "C:/Unfallschwerpunkte".
Check before the installation of the POI file whether a current Microsoft ActiveSync is installed version on your PC. If not, you can Microsoft ActiveSync 4.5 for free from Microsoft.
- Switch on your ViaMichelin and connect it to the PC over the USB cable. select a "guest-partnership" connection via Microsoft ActiveSync.
- Start Content Manager (its on the ViaMichelin DVD).
- Change to POI Manager and Users POI.
- Please pick Icon Management and New Icon in the new window opens. Then open the directory in which the data was unpacked in 2 above and choose the first Icon. In our example the first file is "Blitzer_10kmh.bmp.". Click O.K.
- In the next step, you choose New category and put down the name of the category in the window, in our example: Blitzer_10. Confirm your selection with O.K.
- Now assign the corresponding Icon to the category and confirm your selection with O.K.
- The program now asks you whether you would like to add the new POI category data. Confirm the question with YES and pick the data base matching to the category in the *.asc format. This is the file Blitzer_10kmh.asc in our example.
- Please repeat the steps 7 until 10 of this installation-instruction for all further categories! The list of the user-defined POI should look like the Content manager similarly to below:
- Mark every individual category with a click on my selection to add them to the export. The categories can now be seen also in the right part-window.
- Click on Synchronizing and export the data with it on your ViaMichelin. Wait until the confirmation appears that all data were transferred successfully to the navigation device.
- Disconnect the X980T from the PC and it should restart. Then you can choose Settings/Warnings/My viaMichelin.
- Mark all Camera categories in the list with a tick. The warning is activated.
- Check POI warning sound in the menu Warner/Warning sound whether to discontinue POI warning.
- Go back options/card/stored data into the menu shows and also marks you all Camera categories here, so that these later are shown in the card.
Now, all Cameras are installed and your ViaMichelin is ready for a safe trip!
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